Friday, September 25, 2009

The 4 Month Challenge has begun...

Back before I went to India, I decided that I needed to take action on my weight situation. The weight came gradually as I worked as an Admin for an Assoc Dean at the UT Law School...a very stressful job AND the boss made good dessert. She cooked when she couldn't sleep...nice. That happened over a two year span back in 2003-ish?? I'm really, really good at maintaining weight. haha... I finally got tired of making excuses for the lack of weight loss over this past summer. It's amazing how you can justify eating 1/2 a pizza because you're going to run 8 miles the next morning and you "need the carbs"! There has been a bit of weight fluctuation (the 5#s) over the last few years, so once that barrier is crossed, I'll be really excited!

Therefore...I am setting goals, a time frame and am getting to work. Community support is definitely a good thing, too!

Start Date: Sept 8
End Date: Dec 31

1. Lose 20 pounds
2. Run a 5K under 30 minutes
3. Run a 10K under 1 hour

Since my start on 9/8, I am down 5 pounds and can run a 5K in 35:39. Yay! I am at that 5# fluctuation mark that I haven't seen in 2 years...just an fyi... Goooooo Fall Fitness Team!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh great goals! I think I'd love just to do a 5K - whatever my slow time, haha.
